Some stories hit the headlines. Some headlines only tell half the story (or lies) and some never make the headlines or middle pages or even the back page. This can be either good or bad. |
The ‘Kony 2012’ vs ‘Lord’s Resistance Army’ headlines (or not) is a recent example of this. This workshop will look at some of the stories behind the headlines and behind the ‘no lines’; reflect on why this might be so and the pros and cons of this.It will draw on lessons we can learn from them and explore what people are doing to challenge injustices and explore what we can do together.
We are interested in hearing your which will be more focused on developing ways methods and strategies for going forward.
This will be an interactive and participative workshop.
Venue: The International Society, 327 Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PG
or phone 07779 450692 on the day
1pm workshop start; finish at 3.30pm
A light lunch will be provided from 12.15
‘Until the lions have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter’
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